Spiritual Speculation Space
Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness
November 13, 2024
Discussion Questions
These questions are just to help get the discussion going. They do not need to be discussed in order and conversation outside of the bounds of these questions is welcome.
Have you ever had a dream that impacted your waking life?
Have you ever experienced an altered state of consciousness besides dreaming (via a fever, meditation, a religious experience, a drug, or other means)?
Are dreams and/or altered states of consciousness an important part of spiritual experiences?
How do you react to hearing about other people's dreams or altered consciousness experiences?
What role should others have in interpreting dreams? What are the possibilities and perils of having another person act as a guide during a substance-induced altered state of consciousness? Should this role be restricted to certified psychological professionals?
Have you thought about what consciousness is?
What do you make of the trance that Peter fell into in the story linked below from Acts 10? Have you ever considered the aspects of Christian belief systems that were influenced by altered states of consciousness? What about other religious perspectives on altered states of consciousness?
Discussion Background Materials
Material listed here is intended to enhance discussion. The inclusion of these materials is not an endorsement of their authors or the organizations publishing them. We encourage you to fact check any claims made in these materials.
Acts 10: 9 About noon the next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while it was being prepared he fell into a trance. (click the link above to read the rest of the story through to verse 48).